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League Bulletin

March 20, 2020

​WHAT HAPPENED: COVID-19 spread further and affected virtually everything we do, from city hall to main street to schools and to our homes. From the start, here, the League truly hopes this Bulletin finds you and your community in good health and positioning. But, to be real, we know it's a stressful time and you're working well outside normalcy. We're here to help. 
WHAT IT MEANS: Lots of questions. The complexity of the coronavirus response is indeed unprecedented, and the protective measures we've all been asked to practice, in some cases by law, are important but difficult. The League has been in steady contact with the governor's office, legislative leaders and federal partners on our shared goal of relief and clarity. 如果你对如何从市政的角度合法或实际地度过这些时间有疑问, email us at We're publishing answers to frequently asked questions at, a robust resource site. 
ON TAP:  Insiders seem to agree that things may grow more difficult before they improve, but your leadership is holding us as steady and safe as the circumstances allow, and for that we're fortunate. 
THE SKINNY: It's a global pandemic, but it's a community-level call. We're here to help however we can. The situation is changing all the time and we're working to get you timely, but more importantly accurate, information. Bookmark​ 有关我们与国家领导人就城镇面临的紧迫问题进行沟通的最新消息,请阅读以下内容.

​Even before the first U.S. case of COVID-19, officials at all levels of government brimmed with questions -- what-ifs, how-tos, all in the scene of uncharted waters. 365足彩下载一直与政府的许多不同部门保持着持续的沟通,以获得与市政治理有关的准确和彻底的答案,以及我们如何共同努力. Visit​ 获取丰富的资源和关于应对COVID-19的常见问题的答案, local implementation​ of the governor's executive orders, human resources and employment issues, childcare for essential local government workers, public meeting legalities, and more. 我们正在更新这个页面的新信息,所以请把它添加到您的书签和电子邮件 with any new questions you might have. 
One of the more frequently aired sets of questions​ this week concerned Gov. Roy Cooper's Executive Order 118, limiting the operations of restaurants to delivery and take-out, as to minimize virus transmission risk within spaces. Businesses and local officials wondered how that applied to outdoor seating areas. The governor's office clarified 餐馆应立即关闭所有座位区,酒吧也应立即关闭. Restaurants are restricted to carry-out, drive-through, and delivery to ensure food is available while maintaining social distancing. Restaurant staff are not permitted to serve patrons indoors or in the outdoor seating area, 北卡罗来纳州的所有地区都受到大规模集会限制和社交距离指导方针的约束. If a restaurant has outdoor seating, onsite consumption in the outdoor seating area is not permitted pursuant to the Order of Abatement."
Plenty of other questions have answers in our FAQ section at​, and more are coming in. The site is also a resource page for local governments, with links to helpful documents and blog posts by League communications staff. One of the latest blog posts addresses the subject of community spread and what we might expect. The measures in place limiting congregations and business may be tough, the Department of Health and Human Services acknowledged in the post, but they're working to slow infection and keep hospitals from becoming overwhelmed. "We know this a challenging time. 但重要的是要记住,绝大多数感染COVID-19的人会有轻微的疾病,并将在家中康复," the agency stated. Explore the site​ for more info. ​

​League President William Pitt, on behalf of the NCLM Board of Directors, identified a series of pressing issues facing cities and towns amid the pandemic in letters Friday to Gov. Roy Cooper, Senate leader Phil Berger and House Speaker Tim Moore. Pitt, a member of the Washington City Council, 感谢他们和他们的工作人员为帮助该州度过危机所做的工作,然后他讨论了当地经济命脉——小企业所面临的财政压力. "For employers with smaller workforces and smaller operating margins, particularly retailers, surviving weeks of reduced or non-existent income streams is simply not feasible," said Pitt. "These businesses will need help to survive." Just as state government depends on sales tax revenue generated by these businesses, local governments do as well, Pitt continued. "Cities and town​s receive $1.2 billion annually in sales tax revenue, with that revenue stream representing more than 25 percent of many of their budgets," he noted. "On the expense side, public safety makes up the largest portion of non-utility municipal operating budgets, and it is those personnel that we will be relying on heavily in the weeks ahead."
Meanwhile, 供水和下水道公用事业公司——其中许多已经陷入财务困境——承诺不会切断对拖欠客户的服务. They may face budget shortfalls, Pitt pointed out. "Meeting operational costs in this environment will be difficult, and customers need help," he told the state leaders. 
当地官员也在讨论他们需要通过远程理事会会议和公用事业运营来提高法律和监管灵活性. “通过修改法律来满足这些需求可能是必要的,这样才能最好地为公民服务,并确保我们尽一切努力限制Covid-19的暴露," Pitt said. It all comes as local governments are working on their budgets for the new fiscal year, and are now doing so blind, "without having a true picture of their revenues and financial status." 
The crisis has further highlighted an issue the League has long pushed -- the need for better broadband access​ so individuals and communities aren't isolated. 允许地方政府与私营供应商合作,是确保企业能够在中国开展业务的关键一步, workers and students will have the online access required." 
"We very much appreciate you considering these concerns," Pitt told the governor, Sen. Berger and Speaker Moore. "We are all in this together, 我们要知道,在未来的日子里,要充分解决摆在我们面前的任务,唯一的办法就是, as we say at NCLM, work as one and advance all."

The immediate and growing importance of broadband internet connections, lacking in many crucial areas of the state, came to focus in a documentary aired by WRAL on Thursday, called "Disconnected." WRAL produced the documentary in collaboration with the League, which has long pushed the issue of better broadband for the economic health and safety of North Carolinians. "The ability to do business, 获得教育和高质量的医疗保健越来越依赖于高速互联网连接或宽带," says an article accompanying the documentary on A trailer for "Disconnected" features a message from League Executive Director Paul Meyer.

While many urban areas have broadband service, that isn't the case for rural North Carolina, and the stakes are huge. 像恩菲尔德这样的社区被强调来解释为什么宽带对努力发展和提供高质量生活的社区如此重要. "Without high-speed internet, 一些社区无法吸引新业务,甚至失去了为获得宽带接入而搬迁的业务," WRAL writes. “一些公立学校的学生在家里没有Wi-Fi网络,他们依靠父母开车带他们去图书馆或快餐店连接Wi-Fi网络来做作业. 生活在农村地区的患者有时会驱车长途前往医疗机构,而在家里通过宽带连接获得远程医疗服务就能满足他们的需要."
Please view and share​ this important documentary, 考虑到在冠状病毒大流行期间采取的隔离措施,哪个变得更加及时.

​Following swift approval from Congress, 唐纳德·特朗普总统周三签署了第二项紧急援助计划,以应对冠状病毒的传播. The "Families First Coronavirus Response Act," HR 6201, appropriates funding for nutrition waivers, Family and Medical Leave Act expansion, unemployment benefits access, paid sick leave and tax credits for employers who provide the sick leave (excluding federal, state, and local governments). 接受资助的州和地方政府必须向州紧急行动中心报告有关卫生部门的检测和结果的数据. 
该法案的《365体育足彩》要求雇主在雇员无法工作期间为他们提供带薪病假, not able to telework due to a need for leave, being advised to self-quarantine, or if the employee is caring for a child where schools have been closed. The bill outlines the number of hours of paid sick leave to which employees are entitled. 该法律禁止雇主解雇或处罚任何根据该法请假的雇员. 第6001条规定,团体健康和个人计划免费提供冠状病毒检测,没有费用分摊要求. 
全国城市365足彩下载解释说,大多数雇主将通过可退还的税收抵免得到联邦政府的全额补偿, 但《365足彩下载》第7001(e)(4)和7003(e)(4)条明确禁止地方政府获得税收抵免. Therefore, the cost of this additional leave will be fully borne by local governments. As Congress is working on a third relief bill, please ask your member of Congress to:
1. insert a provision that strikes Sections 7001(e)(4) and 7003(e)(4) from HR 6201; and 
2. have Congress clarify that state and local government employers, including those exempt from 26 USC 3111, fully qualify for both the section 7001 and 7003 credits.

目前,在联邦一级,有20多项与COVID-19相关的法案以某种形式存在. 这些法案涉及住房、旅游、小企业、无家可归者、医疗补助等等. A bill in the U.S. Senate at the time of this writing​ 寻求紧急经济援助,包括直接向一些个人支付款项,向受病毒严重影响的航空公司和其他行业提供数十亿美元的贷款. 我们将密切关注这些法案,因为它们的语言最终确定,并通过国会程序.  We will also monitor any state legislative strategies.

2020 Census field operations are suspended for two weeks in caution over COVID-19, Census Bureau Director Steven Dillingham said on Wednesday. In the meantime, 该机构强烈鼓励公众继续回答他们的2020年人口普查问卷, which can be done by mail, phone, or internet-connected device like a laptop or smartphone. 大约一周前,2020年人口普查正式开始,邮件被发送到美国各地的邮箱.S. “截至今天上午,”该局周三表示,“已有1100多万户家庭做出了回应. America is stepping up to shape our future and ensure families and communities are counted." Visit​ for North Carolina-specific census info.
